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Diket’s Professional Drugs’ Secret To A Secure, Highly Efficient Pharmacy

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We regularly speak with our pharmacists to find out what has helped them run their business. This month, we spoke with Trey Crawford, RPh, owner of Diket’s Professional Drugs, about how RxSafe 1800™ has helped him keep his pharmacy safe. Read his story below and take advantage of special year-end pricing.

Crawford, RPh, is the owner of Diket’s Professional Drugs in Laurel, Mississippi. He runs his store with one mission in mind which is the “mom and them” approach. He empowers his team to treat everyone who comes into his store like family.

When we asked Crawford, why he chose to implement RxSafe 1800, he said, “I was burglarized a couple years ago. They got in here at 11:53 p.m., broke into the cabinets and shelves and were gone in a minute and half. Now with the RxSafe, there would be no way for them to get out in less than 15 to 20 minutes. Plus, they would have to tear through a lot of stuff to get that far. This was the main reason I bought the safe, but it is no longer the biggest benefit,” he explained.

At that time, he did not know how much the device would improve the efficiency of his workflow. Since the implementation of RxSafe, he has noticed a substantial amount of time saved when filling prescriptions. In fact, RxSafe is like having two technicians, Crawford said.

In addition, he was able to utilize the space he saved with RxSafe 1800™ to offer his patients compounded medication and will soon be offering adherence packaging.  

“Between the space saving, help with your taxes, helping increase your speed, and improving your inventory, the whole package just makes sense for pharmacy owners today,” he said. “But the biggest thing is the safety. I can go home at night and know that what I put in that medicine bottle is what the physician, the patient, and what I wanted to be in there. And that’s not quantifiable because, when I go home and think, ‘Oh, did I do that right?,’ I know I did because of RxSafe. And that’s a huge blessing to me and for my patients.”

This medication safety offering is in addition to the security the RxSafe offers Crawford, which was the initial reason he purchased the device, he noted.

When asked about taking advantage of the tax benefit through IRS Section 179, Crawford said, “I would have purchased RxSafe even if I didn’t have the 179 tax benefit. But in my case, I did take advantage of the tax benefit. Depending on what state you’re in, you could save thousands of dollars on taxes and can probably save the cost of two technicians. It is kind of a no-brainer.”

To learn more about how RxSafe 1800 can help your pharmacy grow, to take advantage of the tax benefit, and for special year-end pricing, visit, call 877-704-8357 or email

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