2. Pharmacy Marketing
  3. 4 Spring Break Promotions That Will Set Your Pharmacy Apart

4 Spring Break Promotions That Will Set Your Pharmacy Apart

Last updated Mar 14, 2023 | Pharmacy Marketing

March has arrived, and for many of your patients that means Spring Break is right around the corner. Spring vacations are a time for your patients to make unforgettable memories with family and friends, but it’s also a time when health risks spike. Help your patients stay safe and emerge from their adventures with nothing but good memories – check out these four ideas for spring break promotions you can utilize at your pharmacy!

1. Offer promotional bundles

Offer packages of products for specific types of vacations. Sell these trip-specific items in a bundle for one price.

Here are a few ideas:

  • The cruiser package: include sunscreen, a week’s supply of an antiemetic drug, some pre-packaged snacks that can be carried onboard, and an insert with tips to cure sea sickness
  • The beach party package: include sunscreen, Alka-Seltzer and Advil (to cure a hangover), and an after-sun hydrating lotion
  • The stay-cation package: include self-care products like lotion, face masks, bath products, and multivitamins

Want to utilize promotions like this at your pharmacy, but don’t have the time to create flyers and other promotional materials? Digital Pharmacist can help! Learn more about our marketing services or get in touch here to talk to our team about all the ways we can help support your marketing efforts.

2. Give out informational flyers

Your expert advice is one of the main reasons patients prefer your pharmacy over corporate pharmacies. Hand out flyers informing spring-breakers about proper sunscreen use, safe alcohol consumption, and vaccinations needed for international travel. Thoughtful actions like this have a great impact on patient adherence and retention.

    3. Partner with a local travel agency

    Local businesses can be a wonderful marketing tool that many pharmacies overlook. In a season when so many people are traveling, ask a local travel agency to give out flyers advertising your pharmacy as the place to go for sunscreen, vaccinations, and all other travel preparations. Keep some flyers advertising the travel agency on your checkout desks. Both companies get free advertising and patients get valuable travel and health advice. Everyone wins!

      4. Offer advice on social media

      Your patients trust your advice. Let them know how to stay safe and healthy during their spring break trip with a blog post. List 5-10 helpful tips for a healthy and happy vacation and remind readers that the drugs and other products mentioned in the article can be purchased at your pharmacy. More free marketing!

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