On August 16, 2022, the FDA issued a rule establishing “over-the-counter hearing aids to improve access to safe, effective, and affordable hearing aids for millions of Americans”. These hearing aids can be purchased by patients with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss without the need to see a prescriber. Here we have a full list of what you need to know when it comes to OTC hearing aids.
Digital Pharmacist Blog
Pharmacy Management
What Pharmacies Should Know About the 2023 Medicare Part D Final Rule
The 2023 Medicare Part D Final rule affects all stakeholders – plan sponsors, pharmacies, and beneficiaries. Fortunately, the changes to come from this final rule lean in favor of pharmacies and beneficiaries rather than sponsors. While the changes won’t solve all of the problems for community pharmacies, it is a tremendous step in the right direction when it comes to reimbursement transparency.
Pharmacy Drive-Thru Advantages and Best Practices
Drive-thrus made a huge difference to pharmacies during COVID-19. Here’s how to make the most of yours beyond the pandemic.
World Immunization Week at Your Pharmacy
World Immunization Week is a collective effort to encourage immunizations, and in this blog we explore how your pharmacy can get involved. While education on vaccinations are important year-round, World Immunization Week is a great opportunity to get the conversation started with your patients.
Why Digital Transformation Is Essential for Every Pharmacy
In a tech-dependent world and during COVID-19, implementing digital transformation in your pharmacy can help you effectively grow and win new business.
Improving Pharmacy Efficiency and Care With IVR
Automated pharmacy communication systems like IVR have gained popularity since COVID-19. Here’s why you should consider making the switch and how this provider can help.
5 Ways to Optimize Your Pharmacy IVR
5 Ways To Optimize Your Pharmacy IVR System so you can increase your pharmacy revenue and save time to see more patients.
What Pharmacists Should Know About Medicare Open Enrollment 2022
Medicare Open Enrollment is nearly upon us. What is your pharmacy doing to prepare?
Announcing New Appointment Scheduling Types
Looking to offer more appointment-based services? Introducing Digital Pharmacist’s new Patient Engagement Platform appointment types.
Defining Healthsites for Pharmacies
You know what a pharmacy website is, but what about a healthsite? Here’s how these secure website alternatives can support your pharmacy growth.
Your Pharmacy and Shingles Treatment
Shingles is a painful, preventable condition every pharmacy should be prepared to treat. Here’s what you need to know.
Recognizing Pharmacies Going Above and Beyond: COVID-19 Testing and Vaccinations
Hundreds of pharmacies have made enormous efforts to contribute to pandemic response. Here are just a few.
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