Take advantage of the holiday season and increase your pharmacy’s business with these Labor Day marketing tips and promotional ideas.
Digital Pharmacist Blog
Pharmacy Marketing
Pharmacy SEO Basics
In a world of online searches and mobile marketing, pharmacies need to leverage search engine optimization (SEO) to compete with local businesses in search results.
Tracking Your Pharmacy Metrics Can Save You Money
Tracking these digital marketing metrics can help your pharmacy focus its efforts more effectively so you can increase your revenue and build your patient base.
Reaching Senior Patients Through Digital Technology
Marketing to older patients no longer means ignoring digital platforms. Here’s how you can reach senior patients with the latest technology.
Pharmacy Marketing Fundamentals
Marketing is essential for any business, but with so many options, it can be hard to decide what your pharmacy needs. Here are our fundamentals for pharmacy marketing.
Maximize Your Pharmacy’s Social Media Efforts
Figuring out social media for your pharmacy may seem daunting. Here’s a breakdown of the biggest social media platforms and how you can utilize them.
How to: Pharmacy Website Optimization
In 2020, it’s more important than ever to have a developed online presence. Here are four tips on how to fully optimize your website.
Health Awareness Calendar: Kick Off 2020
There’s no better time to plan your health awareness calendar than at the beginning of the new year. To help you get started, check out the blog.
Five Ways to Bring Your Pharmacy Forward in 2020
Prepare your pharmacy for a new year and new decade with our five resolutions to help you stay competitive and grow your patient base.
Social Media Content Ideas You Can Use Today
As part of our effort to equip you with the tools to market your pharmacy, we’ve collected some ideas that you can use in your social media posts.
Facebook Advertising: Best Practices for Pharmacies
If you are looking to use Facebook ads in your marketing strategy, you need to know a few rules. That’s because Facebook has strict ad policies. Read more.
Best Practices for Your Pharmacy Website Design
Optimizing your website design can improve your patients’ online experience. See a few best practices to follow when designing a pharmacy website.
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