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  3. Answering Your Biggest Digital Marketing Questions

Answering Your Biggest Digital Marketing Questions

Last updated Aug 26, 2020 | Pharmacy Marketing

If you have questions about digital marketing and how it can benefit your pharmacy business, you’ve come to the right place. 

According to Statista, there are nearly 4.6 billion internet users and over 3.9 billion active social media users. A 2019 global digital report by HootSuite and We Are Social found that people spend nearly 7 hours online every day

Digital marketing allows businesses to attract a larger audience by meeting them where they spend the most time and money: online. It focuses on connecting with audiences through digital devices and tapping into multiple internet-focused channels such as social media, email, video, and mobile.

Let’s take a closer look at some common questions pharmacies ask about digital marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Marketing as a Channel

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing refers to any marketing or advertising conducted online through digital channels to people on internet-connected devices like smartphones, tablets, or computers. These channels can include anything from websites, mobile apps, and social media to search engines and email.

Why is digital marketing better than traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing refers to offline marketing and advertising through channels like print, radio, TV, and direct mail. Though it’s still an important part of a business’s marketing strategy, digital marketing enables businesses to find and attract larger audiences, interact with their prospective customers, and track online efforts efficiently.

What are the different components of digital marketing?

The components of a successful digital marketing strategy include: a branded website, social media, paid advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, and reputation management.

What does SEO mean?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. 

Why do businesses need digital marketing strategies?

A digital marketing plan or strategy ties all your marketing efforts together and helps you get the most out of them without wasting resources. Once you’ve identified your business’s brand and audience, your strategy will tell you exactly which channels to market on and what content to create and share.

How are push marketing and pull marketing different?

Push and pull marketing are the two major types of digital marketing strategies. “Push” or outbound marketing promotes your business to relevant audiences and encourages them to take action, using methods like special offers or calls-to-action. Pull or inbound marketing, like SEO and business reviews, focus on attracting people to your products or services.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Pharmacies

At a time when people spend more of their day online than outside, digital marketing can be a powerful tool for pharmacies, even though you cater to patients around the corner.

Here are a few reasons to shift your focus online:

  • Pharmacies with an active online presence can compete more effectively with big-box stores by tapping into a much larger audience.
  • Adding digital channels makes pharmacies more attractive to patients who tend to build relationships and engage with businesses online.
  • Sophisticated tools and platforms simplify the process of marketing, making it more cost-effective.
  • Connecting with patients works both ways: they can easily share your content and refer your business online, helping you promote yourself effortlessly.

Transform Your Marketing With Digital Pharmacist

The digital world can be a complicated one to navigate, which is why we offer a complete digital marketing and engagement program for pharmacies. We’re committed to helping you increase business revenue while offering patients value and positioning you as an expert who cares.

Our digital marketing services include:

  • Social Media Content and Ad Support. Our team of marketing experts creates custom Facebook ads for your pharmacy to target a local audience. We also send you fresh content ideas to post on social media. 
  • Reputation Management. We help you solicit and resolve feedback from active patients, monitor your reviews, and spotlight them on your website with our white-glove service.
  • Weekly Email Newsletters. We offer a weekly, customizable newsletter for your patients with curated articles from our health content database. 
  • Lead tracking. This latest feature connects dedicated phone tracking lines to your marketing initiatives, including ads and special campaigns
  • In-depth Metrics and Reporting. Our pharmacy experience platform allows you to see ad and email newsletter results, monitor new patient calls, and more. 
  • Wellness Classes. Position yourself as the expert by giving your patients full access to interactive courses on a variety of health topics that can also become an additional income stream.

Our program focuses on building your pharmacy’s brand, helping you maintain a competitive online presence to increase your business’ visibility to the community.

Common Questions About Our Digital Marketing Offering

Who will see my Facebook ads?

We focus on reaching the local community, targeting your ads to people within 25 miles of your pharmacy. But we can increase the radius to 50 miles, depending on area and population. 

How many lead tracking phone lines do I receive?

Each pharmacy starts with three dedicated lead tracking lines, one for your Facebook ads and website, and two for any other marketing efforts you choose. You can also purchase additional lines if you need them.

Can I add my own content to the weekly email newsletter?

Yes! Our weekly newsletters are fully customizable. You can add your own text, images, or links through the newsletter calendar in your pharmacy experience dashboard.

How will I know if Digital Pharmacist’s digital marketing is working?

Our pharmacy experience dashboard gives you in-depth access to a range of reports on all your digital marketing services. For some services, such as ad support, you’ll receive a performance report at the end of each monthly campaign. 

Still have questions? Learn more about our digital marketing program and request your software demo by getting in touch with us today.


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