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  3. Less Labor this Labor Day: Let Marketing Do the Work for You!

Less Labor this Labor Day: Let Marketing Do the Work for You!

Last updated Sep 2, 2022 | Pharmacy Marketing

Save yourself time and boost your sales this Labor Day weekend by ramping up your seasonal marketing. 

Holidays are a great time to drive more patients to your pharmacy. Long weekends and time off means more people are out and about or online with leisure to look out for good deals.

Labor Day marks the transition from summer to fall and offers a variety of marketing opportunities, from back-to-school sales to discounted summer offerings. 

Here are some tips for marketing your pharmacy this Labor Day weekend:

Announce themed promotions online. 

Choose a theme for your Labor Day promotions, such as Back to School or Fall is Coming. Create themed social media posts and graphics for your website to market upcoming special offers. Whether you’re offering discounted immunizations, health compounds, seasonal gifts, or coupons, promoting them online helps you connect with patients and convert more of your target audience into customers.

Thank your staff on your Facebook page and in-store.

Thanking your staff on Labor Day (whether you are open or not) isn’t just a nice gesture, it’s actually a great marketing move, too. Customers love businesses that treat their staff well and will appreciate you for recognizing workers on a worker holiday rather than focusing on sales. Personal posts are also popular on social media and are more likely to get shares, comments, and likes from people in your community. Consider individual “spotlight” Facebook posts with photos of each staff member that tells everyone a little bit about them. In-store, consider a hanging poster or “Thank You” banner in a prominent place. 

Collaborate with local small businesses.

Labor Day is meant to celebrate all workers, so why not make it a party? Whether you’re a retail pharmacy or a specialty one, there are plenty of opportunities to collaborate and cross-promotion is a valuable way to market your business. You can do something as simple as exchanging flyers or create a small raffle with prizes. Be sure to announce your partnership online and in-store and ask your fellow collaborator(s) to do the same.

Send out a special eNewsletter. 

According to Statista, nearly half the world (3.9 billion) uses email. Email is a common marketing strategy and an easy way to connect with patients and convert leads. Consider extending your themed marketing efforts to email by writing a special holiday eNewsletter. Include any seasonal offerings, staff spotlights, and inspirational quotes or messages to encourage people to drop by or visit your pharmacy website over the long weekend.

If you are a Digital Pharmacist client, eNewsletters are already built into your digital marketing package, which you can customize with just a few clicks. 

Track your results for next year. 

Understanding what works and what doesn’t is an important part of effective marketing. Tracking your efforts can also save time and money because the results will tell you exactly where to focus your efforts in the future. Collect data on the different types of marketing you try, from social media posts and ad campaigns to eNewsletters and events. Make sure to keep track of any new leads or patients you get as a result of your Labor Day marketing efforts so you’ll know what to focus on next year.

Need more ideas? Learn more about digital marketing tools and resources for your pharmacy by downloading our Digital Marketing Playbook


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