Prescription Mart has been a client of Digital Pharmacist’s since January 2022. Since becoming a client, they have seen improvements in call volume as their pharmacy has grown.
Prescription Mart is a specialty pharmacy that is owned by a PBM. Their pharmacy’s vision is “to provide customized clinical care to each patient and a personal touch to prescription delivery to create relationships that lead to better health.” Prescription Mart has over a dozen employees that actively fill prescriptions using DP’s automation tools and patient engagement platform. Prescription Mart is based out of Beaumont, Texas, but ships all across the country and has operated as a mail-order pharmacy since 1994. Other services this pharmacy offers includes Medication Synchronization and Medication Therapy Management.
For the month of August 2022, prescription mart Had:
HOURS SAVED with pep
total calls
The Challenge
High Call Volume
As a subsidiary of a PBM, Prescription Mart receives a steady stream of patient referrals. The resulting call volume from these referrals takes up a lot of the pharmacy’s time – valuable time that could be spent filling prescriptions or handling other tasks. With their customer base being spread across the country, their primary channel for communication with patients has become via phone, thus a high call volume has resulted.
The Solution
Two-Way Messaging
In their search to increase productivity and become more efficient, they came across Digital Pharmacist’s Patient Engagement Platform. The Two-Way Messaging feature of the platform has provided Prescription Mart with the biggest benefit and time savings when it comes to communicating with their patients. They can now directly communicate with patients using a single interface versus when they had to make multiple phone calls back and forth with their patients.
To motivate patients to text rather than call, Prescription Mart used several different approaches. They initially and continue to leverage custom branded flyers provided by Digital Pharmacist that they can pass out to customers letting them know about this feature. Designed with Prescription Mart’s logo and information, these physical flyers encourage patients to scan a QR code to sign up for HIPAA-compliant and secure messaging with the pharmacists. However, Prescription Mart reports that their most successful method for communicating their texting platform has been over the phone. If a patient calls in dissatisfied with the wait time, they are able to rectify the complaint with a solution by suggesting they try out their secure communication method that enables them to text directly with someone in the pharmacy.
“We saved 50 hours in talk time this August by using the Patient Engagement Platform. That was our top saving month. We have an older population base, and as they get more comfortable using this, it tends to be an ever-increasing engagement through texting and digital platforms as opposed to phones. It’s been on a straight, upward trend ever since we launched.”
The Results
Time Saved With PEP
By communicating through text rather than solely on the phone, Prescription Mart is able to fill an increased number of prescriptions and assist more patients than ever before. They have estimated a time savings of over 50 hours just in the most recent month alone, compared to the 7 hours they saved in their first month.
Bobby Clay, Chief Operating Officer at Prescription Mart, stated two-way texting has been a significant time-saver, especially as they have grown. To expand on this, Prescription Mart saw their prescription volume increase by 30% from January to August, but their call volume did not proportionally increase as they handled many transactions via text. With an increase in prescription numbers and call volume not growing proportionally, Prescription Mart was able to add an immense amount of productivity and efficiency to their pharmacy.
To learn more about our Patient Engagement Platform, contact us about a demo today.