Thurman’s Pro-Med Pharmacy is a family-owned specialty pharmacy located in Mount Pleasant, TX. Passionate about owning and running a hometown drug store, pharmacist Stephanie Thurman and her spouse, Tris bought the space and opened their doors in 2013.
“I think people really enjoy knowing the people that take care of them,” Thurman said. “They enjoy the smiles, they enjoy somebody actually answering the phone. You don’t always get that at some chains. We just do what we would want somebody to do for us.” The pharmacy offers compounding, immunizations, health screening, long-term care, and a range of therapeutic services.
Thurman’s Pro-Med has been a Digital Pharmacist digital marketing client since March 2019. This year, they’ve focused on using social media channels and advertising to drive patients to their healthsite and promote new services during COVID-19, with resounding success.
Between March and September 2020, Thurman’s Pro-Med has seen:
Increase in website sessions
Facebook ad impressions
Ad link clicks
“The social media marketing in general has been very helpful, especially during this Coronavirus season. Everyone is on their tablet or their phone.”
Having active social media and digital channels became a huge advantage for Thurman’s Pro-Med when COVID-19 hit.
In just 7 months, Thurman’s has seen an impressive 71% increase in website sessions. They also reported a 48% increase in website page views and 50% of website visitors came directly from social media, their most successful marketing channel by far. In total, Thurman’s Facebook ads have generated over 105,000 impressions and more than 1,400 link clicks.
According to Thurman, social media advertising has helped them promote core services like free home delivery. “There were a couple of pharmacies in neighboring towns that closed, and since we actually deliver to those towns anyway, we decided to make a big marketing push to capture some of that. We really emphasized the free delivery to that area.”
It’s also given their more recent service offerings a marketing boost. “We mainly just focus on what is relevant at the time,” Thurman said, “like flu shots and making them curbside. Then school started so we also started focusing on immunizations. We try to stay pretty engaged with our customers, so we can hopefully understand what it is they are needing. We see a need, meet it, and advertise it.”
For Thurman and her team, building the pharmacy’s Facebook audience has helped them extend that sense of hometown community to patients online. “Our customers responding is kind of like giving a review there. Them being able to see what our customers say, and seeing that we do answer them and care, I think that says more than anything.”
In the next 6 weeks, Thurman’s Pro-Med will be welcoming an addition to the family, a second pharmacy just 20 miles away in Naples. Thurman has already purchased our digital marketing package for the new location. “I wanted the marketing to be ready to go!” she said.
Digital Pharmacist has helped thousands of pharmacies build their businesses and attract new patients during COVID-19. Our digital marketing program offers social media advertising and email marketing support, reputation management, and access to expert wellness content.
During Q2 of this year, digital marketing clients generated more than 83 million Facebook impressions and 1.4 million website sessions.
To learn more about how digital marketing can support your pharmacy business this year, get in touch with us today.